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Karen Read Murder Trial Day 2

Karen Read murder trial: Day 2

Testimony continues in the case against woman accused of killing Boston police officer

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The murder trial of Karen Read, the woman accused of killing her boyfriend, Boston Police officer John O'Keefe, continued Tuesday with a half-day in court. The trial began Monday with the defense arguing that Read was framed by the Canton Police.

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On Tuesday, the prosecution called several witnesses to the stand, including two women who said they saw Read arguing with O'Keefe on the night of his death. One of the women said she heard Read threaten to kill O'Keefe.

The defense objected to the testimony of the two women, arguing that it was hearsay. However, the judge allowed the testimony, saying that it was relevant to the case.

The defense also called several witnesses to the stand, including Read's mother and sister. They testified that Read was a loving and caring person who would never have hurt O'Keefe.

The trial is scheduled to continue Wednesday with more testimony from witnesses.
