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Aurora Borealis Ohio 2023

Seeing the Aurora Borealis

When is the best time to see the aurora?

The best time to view the aurora is within an hour or two of midnight or 10 pm.

How to view the aurora borealis

For the best viewing, check the Space Weather Prediction Center for the aurora forecast. The forecast will tell you the intensity and location of the aurora borealis for tonight and tomorrow night.

When was the last time the aurora borealis was in Ohio?

The last really good showing of the northern lights in Ohio was in 2015. However, there have been a few smaller displays since then.

Is it possible to see the aurora borealis in Ohio?

Yes, it is possible to see the aurora borealis in Ohio, but it is not common. The best chance of seeing the aurora is on clear nights during the winter months.

What is the solar cycle?

The solar cycle is the 11-year cycle of activity on the Sun. During the peak of the solar cycle, the Sun is more active and produces more solar flares and coronal mass ejections. These events can cause the aurora borealis to be more visible.

What is solar cycle 25?

Solar cycle 25 is the current solar cycle. It began in December 2019 and is expected to peak in 2025.
